

A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is an individual, who by virtue of their university responsibilities and under the Clery Act, is designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the Office of 校园安全 and Security so that they may be included and published in the university’s Annual Security Report.  They have completed training on appropriately handling reporting crimes, victim relations and support, and related school policies.


校园安全 and Security officers are CSAs, but other 正规博彩十大网站 employees are also designated as CSAs.

The Clery Act defines a CSA as any of the following categories:

  1. A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution, e.g. any member of Coker’s Office of 校园安全 and Security.
  2. Any individuals who have responsibility for campus security but are not members of a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property, 比如保安).
  3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offense; or
  4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 包括, 但不限于, 学生住房, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.

然而, 正规博彩十大网站 to better serve our student community has designated all university employees as CSAs, 除了一些例外:

  1. Contractual dining/food service employees
  2. Contractual facilities employees
  3. Campus health physicians or nurses whose only responsibility is to provide care to students
  4. Exempt and confidential resources 包括;
    1. Professional, licensed mental health counselors
    2. Pastoral counselor recognized by a religious organization to provide confidential counseling


A CSA must notify the Director of 校园安全 and Security of crimes or criminal incidents that are reported to him or her. They disclose statistics that fall under the Clery Act’s list of reportable crimes and occur within Clery geography.

Clery reportable crimes are:

  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
  • 过失杀人罪
  • 强迫性犯罪
  • 非暴力性犯罪
  • 抢劫
  • 加重攻击罪
  • 入室盗窃
  • 机动车辆盗窃
  • 纵火
  • Hate Crimes 包括 Larceny-Theft, 简单的攻击, 恐吓, Destruction/Damage/Vandalism and all Criminal Offenses (when motivated by offender’s bias)
  • All liquor, drug or weapons law violations resulting in an arrest
  • Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking

Clery Crime Definitions can be found 在这里


  • everywhere on our campuses (residences, offices, walkways, etc.)
  • property off campus owned by 正规博彩十大网站 (such as Kalmia Gardens and the boathouse)
  • property off campus used/controlled by 正规博彩十大网站 (Byerly Park-athletic practices)
  • sidewalks and streets immediately adjacent to the 正规博彩十大网站 campus

If a CSA is notified of a crime in progress or an ongoing threat to the Coker campus community, they will contact the Office of 校园安全 and Security or 911 for assistance.

Confidential Crime Reporting through CSAs

Occasionally, a person may want to seek assistance anonymously. 例如, if you are a victim of sexual assault and wish to seek help, 医疗或其他, without contact with law enforcement, you can confidentially report the incident to a designated CSA. Your CSA can provide you with information and resources and serve as your agent to obtain the support you need without filing a police report.


Annual training will be provided for all CSAs on campus and presented virtually. Additional questions regarding CSA responsibilities and/or for filing a report can be directed to the Director of 校园安全 and Security.

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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